Video Series

Each week, beginning on Saturday May 9th, 2020, David J. Jones will be releasing a teaching on video. Each video will be posted on this page every Saturday for a 4 week period.
The videos can also be accessed through the True Foundations Facebook page here: TRUE FOUNDATIONS ON FACEBOOK

Tradition, Religion or Christ

This video series is an introduction to a foundational approach in understanding the Bible and how it impacts the way we live our Christian lives.

It will consist of 4 sections as follows:
Human Ideas
Doctrines of Demons
Jesus, God or Man?
Where Does Our Hope Come From?

Watch here the first video in the series here:


Part One of this video series talks about human ideas or traditions and the views we form through our interactions with the world. The influence of culture and society have great impact on how we think and what we believe but we must measure what we believe by Christ Himself.

How do we know if what we believe is accurate? What factors have influenced what we believe? How does that colour how we see ourselves and, most importantly, how we see God?

In order to understand His purposes we must seek the absolute Truth:

Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ. (Colossians 2:8, HCSB)



Part Two of this video series talks about religion and its origins. Generally, it is thought that religion is a good thing but where does it really come from?

Religion has come about in relation to demonic forces. From the beginning of human history, it has been an attempt to hide from God, to control Him and it to keep us from finding true freedom.

“Religion keeps us hiding and we fashion a God in our own image…and that never ends well.”—David J. Jones



In part three of this series we seek to discover more about who Christ is as this is the key to our understanding His purposes.

In order to know more of who Christ is we must understand the incarnation. To miss out on that is to miss out on the fullness of what it is all about:

For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, 10 and you have been filled by Him, who is the head over every ruler and authority. (Collassians 2:9-10)



The last section of this series explores how we are to deal with false thinking and religious ideas. What does it mean to stand out from the crowd and live the Christian life we are meant to live? Where does our hope come from?

“To stand out from the crowd is what every true Christian person is called to do. To stand out from the crowd means ‘I don’t want to be conformed to this world’s way of thinking. I don’t want to be under the bondage of those wrong philosophies…I just want to find authentic Christianity. I just want to know who Jesus really is and by the power of His spirit follow in His footsteps.’”
—David J. Jones