Where There’s A Will There’s A Way

Where There’s A Will There’s A Way


As truth seeking Christians our desire is to follow the will of God. But that can be a challenge if we don’t know what it is!


As truth seeking Christians our desire is to follow the will of God. But that can be a challenge if we don’t know what it is!
To help us find that out, David J. Jones of Cornerstone Church teaches a five part seminar about God’s will and how it relates to Christian life. Listen as we look to discover the true will of God and what our responsibilities are as His children.

SESSION 1: Sovereignty and Freedom

SESSION 2: The Overcomer’s Way

SESSION 3: The Good, Pleasing and Perfect Will of God

SESSION 4: Paul- A Case History

SESSION 5: The Will of God and The Kingdom

*This product is a recording of a live conference: Where There’s A Will There’s A Way. Each session comes as a downloadable mp3 file. 

(It is not a physical product).